Our team brings together healthcare and finance expertise

Medical specialist
Founder & Managing Partner
Dr Fiona Pathiraja is a healthtech expert who has served as medical director, advisor and board member to several healthtech startups. An advocate of female empowerment, Fiona is one of Europe’s most active angel investors, backing female founders. She is on the board of trustees at the Royal College of Physicians and Cheltenham Ladies College, a leading UK girls’ school.
Dual UK board certified in clinical radiology and public health, Fiona holds a medical degree from UCL, a master’s in public health from the University of London, and an MBA from London Business School. Formerly a consultant radiologist (Attending equivalent in the US) in the NHS, Fiona has cross-sector experience of developing health policy in the UK government, management consultancy & frontline medicine.

Experienced investor
Søren Fryland Møller is an investor, board member and philanthropist. He owns and runs IPQ Capital, a private investment firm based in Copenhagen and London. Crista Galli Ventures is the healthtech arm of IPQ Capital.
Søren started his career in investment banking at Danske bank in Copenhagen. He has had several board director roles in financial services including the board of Formuepleje, one of the largest independent asset managers in Scandinavia with $10Billion+ assets under management. Søren is a trustee in several organisations in
the charitable sector in the UK.
Søren holds an MBA from London Business School and a Masters in Finance from Aarhus University.